
Average score 1359 Reviews
francoise Hoehn noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I went with a friend yesterday where we were extremely surprised by the breadth of the choices we enjoyed. I really recommend it because it was extraordinary both in choice and quality and the cleanliness very very well received Thank you, I can't wait to come back Francoise (Original) Je suis allé avec un amis hier ou nous avons extrêmement surpris par l ampleur des choix nous nous sommes régaler Je le conseil vraiment car c était extraordinaire autant en choix qu en qualité et la propreté très très bien reçu Merci j ai hâte de revenir Francoise

3 days ago
vika nicogossian noted on Google

3 days ago
Loris Palomba noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent Asian buffet. You must come in advance on Friday and Saturday evenings because the restaurant is often full (Original) Excellent buffet asiatique. Il faut venir en avance le vendredi et samedi soir car le restaurant affiche souvent complet

3 days ago
Ludivine Beraud noted on Google

4 days ago
Carole Zajac noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always good and impeccable service. address to keep 😁😁 (Original) Toujours aussi bon et service impeccable. adresse à garder 😁😁

4 days ago
clément noted on Google

4 days ago
Letyjomo Degorre noted on Google

(Translated by Google) A very wide variety of dishes offered, whether starter, main course, cheese, dessert... Never disappointed and very happy each time you come to this restaurant. (Original) Une très grande variété de plats proposés que ce soit entrée plat fromage dessert ... Jamais déçue et très contente à chaque venue dans ce restaurant.

4 days ago
Sabrina Ben achour noted on Google

5 days ago
Isabelle Zanotti noted on Google

6 days ago
Martine Amety noted on Google

7 days ago

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27 Av. de l'Île Brune
38120 Saint-egreve, France

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