
Average score 1359 Reviews
David Peix noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Huge diversity between Chinese food, Japanese food, seafood and even French cuisine... Huge space in several parts, quite noisy all the same. Overall pretty good (Original) Énormément de diversité entre la nourriture chinoise, japonaise, fruits de mer et même cuisine française... Immense espace en plusieurs parties, assez bruyant quand même. Dans l ensemble plutôt pas mal

8 days ago
Marc Fiego noted on Google


8 days ago
Gilles CARMEL noted on Google

10 days ago
Christiane Roos noted on Google

Lieu exceptionnel (Translated by Google) Exceptional location

10 days ago
Mathilda Ouillon noted on Google

11 days ago
G Lux noted on Google

13 days ago
Jad Berjawi noted on Google

13 days ago
Vitalii Vlasyk noted on Google

13 days ago
Djamel IHEMOUCHENE noted on Google

Inégalable au jour d'aujourd'hui dans l'agglomération Grenobloise. (Translated by Google) Unrivaled today in the Grenoble area.

14 days ago
Valentin Darnaud noted on Google

14 days ago

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27 Av. de l'Île Brune
38120 Saint-egreve, France

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